Talbot Deposit-Main Lens Intersects 5.3m Grading 3.9% Cueq


TORONTO, ON - Rockcliff Copper Corporation reported additional drill hole assay and geophysical drill hole survey results from its ongoing phase 2 exploration program on the Talbot Property. The property forms part of Rockcliff's Snow Lake Project centered on the Snow Lake Mining Camp, Manitoba.

Highlights: Recently completed drill hole intersects high grade mineralization of the Talbot deposit main lens. Drill hole TB-012 intersects 5.3 meters grading 3.9% Copper Equivalent (Cueq) (2.0% copper, 1.94g/t gold, 0.32% zinc, 20.03g/t silver); Surveying of drill holes locates one of the largest undrilled conductive geophysical anomaly/plate yet discovered below the Talbot deposit north lens with dimensions of 300 meters by 600 meters. 

At the Talbot deposit north lens, the Company completed several drill hole geophysical surveys on historic holes and on its recently completed drill holes TB013 and TB014 which intersected 7.1 meters grading 4.1% Cueq and 2.6 meters grading 2.4% Cueq respectively (please see press release dated November 29, 2016 for additional information). The survey results identified a new drill target that represents one of the largest undrilled conductive plates yet discovered on the property below the existing Talbot deposit north lens mineralization, measuring 300 meters along strike and 600 meters of depth extent. Historic hole TLS007 appears to have intersected the very top edge of the conductive plate intersecting 4.4% Cueq across 2.1 meters. 

Ken Lapierre, President and CEO commented, "All large mines in the Flin Flon-Snow Lake greenstone belt have extensive multiple stacked mineralized lenses that coincide with multiple stacked extensive conductive geophysical anomalies or plates. At Talbot, the fact that we have discovered the largest undrilled geophysical conductive plate immediately below the Talbot deposit is encouraging and a real testament to the significant upside potential on this property located within this prolific world class mineral belt. Our phase 2 drill program will continue immediately and will focus on the discovery of additional mineralized lenses proximal to the Talbot deposit".